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Basic Computer

Basic Computer

Basic Computer kasari sikne hajur haru ko yo samasya ho bhane aajai dya khi yo page ma sampurna jankali lina saknu huncha matra 30 minutes maa tara aauta kasam khanu ni yo book 30 minutes ma pardna sak chu ra yesma lekheko sampurna jankari lai practical garnu huncha matra pratek din na chutaekana bhane ma guarantee dinchu hajur computer ko barema kunai samasya aaune china . aaba chinta hoina parisram garnus ma hajur ko sabai samasya lai halgarne chu . hajurlai book provide garera yaha jankari diyera ani video haru pani pradan garena . tara aauta shurt cha ki hajur yo book padera aafno samasya pokhna na bhuulu hola

Fundamental of Computer: -
The term "Computer has been derived from Latin word Computare" which means – calculate. Similarly, in English language Calculate means to do mathematical operation. So, Computer is an electronic device which accepts raw data, processes it according to the specific instruction and gives the result as new information. This is also a digital operating device. But, the computers originated with a huge size and extreme processing capabilities.

Symbol and their meaning
Name Of Symbol
Backward Slash
Forward slash
asterisk (star)
Semi colon
At the rate

Screen (VDU) è Monitor is also output device called display
                              unit. VDU stand for visual display unit.                       
CPU (Central processing unit) è it is a main part of a computer. It is also known as system box (brain box). There are central unit (C.U) arithmetical and logical unit (ALU) and storage unit (main storage in a CPU.)

Printer à printer is an out put device which is use to print a document.
Mouse à input device

Characteristics of Computer:
Ø  Speed-It can carry out the computation very fast.
Ø  Accuracy-The results generated by computer are very accurate.
Ø  Versatility-It can process multiple types of data.
Ø  Automatic-If instructions are given correctly, it can work automatic.
Ø  Storage-It can store a huge amount of data.
Ø  Diligent-It is very hard-working in its work.

Software is a set of program which is used for different purpose. It is also defined as the program concerned with operation of the hardware in the data system.
Types of Software:-
          The software available in any computer can be divided into two types:
v  System Software:-The software required for running user program is known as system software. System software is the collection of the programs written for computer, which allows the user to develop and run programs.
Mainly system software is divided into two parts:
1. Operating system is a program:-which controls overall operations (activities) of the computer. It is the media point between the computer and operators, dos, UNIX, windows are the example of operating system.
2. Utility program:- Utility program are those programs, which are used for managing files or folders, working with  files or folders or drives and developing writing and testing the programs.
v  Application software:-The software written for special purpose (specific) in a specific language is known as application software. These programs perform certain task with respect to related program MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS- PowerPoint, adobe PageMaker, freehand, Photoshop, and AutoCAD are the examples of application software.

Input: Through which user can insert data or through which user can give instruction is called input unit. E.g. Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Microphone.
Process: Process is the manipulation of data as per given instruction.

Memory: The capability to store the data is known as computer memory. Programs and data are stored in the memory unit of the CPU during processing. Memory consists of storage locations.
Memory can be classified into 2 types:

1) Primary memory: - It is also called the main memory or the central memory. This memory is resident (attach) on the motherboard. There are two types of primary memory:-
          a) ROM (Read Only Memory):-It is permanently in built into the computer at the time of its production. It stores a set of instruction and instructs the computer how to work. The user cannot change these instructions. ROM is non-volatile, that is, when computer goes off this instruction is not lost.
          b) RAM (Random Access Memory): - It is short-term memory of volatile memory. That is, when the computer is switched ON, the memory, which available to use is RAM, but when the computer is switched OFF, all the information disappears. RAM is temporary whereas ROM is permanent memory. It is read/write, memory i.e. user can either write on to this memory or read from it.

2) Secondary memory: - The secondary memory is the external memory. Secondary storage allows string large volumes of data. The contents of secondary storage are not lost when the power is turned OFF.

Secondary storage devices:
a. Hard Disk:
Hard disk is a large capacity, permanent storage area that offers access to the information stored on it. Hard disk is always fixed in the computer and cannot be removed. Huge number of data can be stored in this type of storage media.
b. Floppy Disk
Floppy disks are magnetically coated disks on which information; both programs and data typed from the keyboard, can be stored and retrieved. It is also called portable disk drive.
c. CD-ROM (Compact disk Read Only Memory):- It is non erasable disk used for storing computer data.

3. Control Unit:-
The control unit directs all operations inside the computer. It is known as nerve center of the computer because it controls and co-ordinates all hardware operations.
4. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):- It operates on the data available in the main memory and amends them back after processing once again to the main memory.

Output: Output is the processed data. It is also called result. E.g. Printer, Monitor/ Screen, Speaker.
Data: - Data is just like raw material which provides some meaningful result after processing.

The desktop                                                                                                                         
The most important change in windows 95/98, 2000, XP over earlier versions of windows is new interface called desktop. Desktop is the backdrop on which windows and icons of disks and applications reside. When you open a program or file, it appears in a window on the desktop.
Icons are symbols or pictures that represent documents, applications, folders, devices and others. Initially you will see at least four icons on your windows 95/98, 2000, XP desktop.

My computer icon on the desktop opens a view into the resources of local computer.
Recycle bin is a holding place for all the deleted objects.
Network neighborhood icon is available, if the computer is part of a network or is equipped so it can be connected to one at some point.
My document icon it is use for default save location and to save document.
Taskbar :- The taskbar is long horizontal bar located at bottom of screen when you start window for the first time. By default, they are always visible when a window is running.

Starting with the start menu.

 When you click the start button, you see a menu that contains everything you need to begin using window.

Programà Display a list of programs you can start.
Documentsà Display a list of documents that you have opened previously .It can list 15 documents/program only.
Settingsà  Display a list of system components for which you can change settings.
Find/ searchà Enables you to find a folder file, shared computer or mail message.
Helpà Allows using help to find out how to do a task in windows.
Run à execute a program, when you type filename or command.
Shutdown/ turn off à Shuts down or restart your computer or close computer.

Windows components
A window is a rectangular area on the screen that represents a folder on the desktop. A running program or a document or dialog box in program.

a. Title bar
The title bar is located at the top of the screen. It displays the name of the application or document.
b. Control Menu box.
It is located, or in the upper left corner of each screen. It opens a control menu (also called system menu) containing commands to control the location, size and status of the windows.
c. Menu bar.
A one –line horizontal menu at the top of the screen below the title bar is called a menu bar. It contains a list of options such as file, edit, window, help etc. this makes it easier to learn new applications.
d. Scroll bar.
A scroll bar is a bar that appears at the bottom and right edge of a window whose contents are not entirely visible.
e. Work space.
Work space is the part/ portion of a window that is inside the frame and under the title bar and menu bar. This is also called client area.
f. Maximize button.
Maximize button displayed at the centre of the three buttons, displayed on the right corner of the title bar. When you click on the middle, button the window will become the full screen size of your desktop.
g. Minimize button.
Minimize button collapse a window and makes it disappear from the screen, if want to open a new window while working in another window, you need not close the current window.
h. Restore button.
When a window is maximized, its maximize button is replaced by a restore button.
I. Close button.
 You can close any window, which is currently open by clicking on the close button.

About mouse:
Point: - : Place the mouse pointer to the specified object.
Click: - press and release left mouse button.
Right click: - Press and release right mouse button.
Double click: - press and release left mouse button twice quick.
Dragging and dropping: - place the mouse pointer on the object and press mouse left button, hold it down and move to specified location and drop it.

How to open a program?
Click on start button.
Point to program.
Click on specified program which you want to open.

 How to close a program?
Click on close button.
Choose file > exit from menu bar
Press Alt +F4 key
Right click on title bar and choose close from menu.
Click on control menu box and choose close

To open a document:
Click on start button.
Click on document.
Click on required document which you want to open.

Creating folder in desktop:-
Right click on blank area of desktop and choose new.
Click on folder option.
Type new name for the folder and press enter key.

Creating new folder into an existing folder:-
Double click on a folder.
Choose file > new > folder
Type new name for the folder and press enter key.

Selecting multiple object (folder, shortcut, doc file) à
Click on the object to select an object.
to select different object, hold down ctrl key and click on different object
To select different object continuously, hold down shift key and drag the mouse pointer near the specified object.
To select all objects at a time, press ctrl+A.

Deselecting object
To deselect all objects, click left mouse button on empty area.
To deselect different object press ctrl + clicking.
To invert the selection, choose edit > invert selection.

Opening object à
Double click on the object
Right click on the object and choose open.
Select the object (s) and choose file > open.
Select the object and press enter key.

Renaming object à
Right click on the object and choose rename and type new name for the object and press enter.
Or ,
       Select the object and choose file> rename and type new name for the object and press enter  
Click on the name of the object, click again and type new name for the object and press enter

Using recycle bin à
To get deleted objects back again or to delete objects permanently.
Double click on recycle bin icon shows temporarily deleted objects

To undelete objects & restore them to their original locations.

 Select the objects then right click & choose restore or, choose File > restore from menu bar.
To undelete objects & put them wherever you want, select the objects then find the place where you want them to appear & drag them to appropriate spot.
to delete objects permanently from recycle bin & the disk, select the objects then right click & choose delete or , click on the delete button in the tool bar or , choose file > delete from the menu bar. Choose Yes to delete the object.
To delete all objects permanently at a time, right click on the recycle bin icon on the desktop & choose empty recycle bin from property menu or, choose Yes to confirm the dead.
To restore the most recent deleted objects from the recycle bin to their original locations, choose Edit> undo delete from the menu bar or, click on the undo delete button in the tool bar.

Copying & Moving objects or files/folders :

1.    Select the objects which you want to copy or move.
2.    press ctrl + C or, Choose Edit > Copy or, Right click & choose copy ( for copying  the objects)
3.    Press ctrl + X or, choose Edit > cut or right click & choose cut (for moving the objects).
4.    Open the destination folder & select the place.
5.    Press ctrl + V or, Edit > paste or, Right click & choose paste (to copy or moved the objects.)
Browsing with my computer
1.    Double click on my computer icon.
2.    double click on drive letter(A: or C: or D: etc)
3.    Double click on folder & sub folder until required folders or files are not found.
 Move, copy, delete and rename the objects as required

To display the properties of the objects
To display the properties ( type of object, creation date, location, name, size, modification date, attribute- hidden, read only, system, archive etc.) of the selected object.
Select the object.
Choose file > properties or, choose properties button from tool bar.

Arrange icons in different order
  1. choose view > arrange icons> name (name wise alphabetic order)
  2. choose view > arrange icons > size( size wise order-smallest first)
  3. choose view > arrange icons > date (date wise order – smallest first)
  4. choose view > arrange > auto arrange (automatic order)
Right click on blank space > choose arrange icon by> choose the style you like.

Finding files or folder.
1.    Choose start> Search > files or folder.
2.    Click on All file and folders.
3.    Select name and location tab (if not selected).
4.    Click the named box. And then type the name of files or folder (partial or full name) you want to find.
5.    Specify where to search. Click the arrow next to look in box, or browse.
6.    Click the find now button to start the search.
7.    Click the new search button and ok button to clear the current search.

About Mouse:
To change the mouse settings
1.            choose start >settings > control panel
2.            or
3.            Double click on my computer icon & double click on control panel.
4.            Double click on mouse icon.
5.            If buttons tab is not selected, select it.
6.            choose buttons configuration ( right handed or left handed)
7.            change double click speed (slow or fast)
8.            Click ok button.

Display of Desktopà
Background: to change the background of desktop.
1.     Right click on desktop & choose properties.
2.    If background tab is not selected, select it.
3.    Choose wallpaper option from drop down list (ed. Clouds forest etc.)
4.    choose display option (tile or center or stretch)
5.    Choose pattern option from drop down list & then click on edit pattern button.
6.    Under pattern editor, change the pattern & click on change or done button.
7.    Click on ok button.

Screen saver:
To apply screen saver:
1.    Right click on desktop > click on properties.
2.    Select screen saver tab.
3.    Choose screen saver option from the list (e.g. - flying window, 3D text.)
4.    Click on setting button (especially for 3D text. Or scrolling Marquee)
5.    Type the text in text box.
6.    Move the size speed & resolution slider left or right.
7.    Double click format buttons & choose font, font size and color.
8.    Click on ok button twice.
9.    type minutes in minute box (wait)
10. Click on preview button to show screen saver.
11. Click on ok button.
To change the appearance of windows:
1.    Right click on desktop > click on properties.
2.    Click on appearance tab.
3.    Choose one item from item list (desktop, menu, icon etc.
4.    choose one scheme from scheme list (windows standard, rose, pinks)
5.    Choose color from color list, font from font list, size from size list & click on ok or apply button.
1.    Right click on desktop > click on properties.
2.    Click on settings tab.
3.    Choose color palette from color palette list.
4.    Change the default desktop area with the help of slider.
5.    Choose font size from the list.
6.    click on advance properties for advance display properties ( adapter, monitor & performance)
7.    Click on ok or apply button.
3:52 PM


I give you more information about Jobsites on this page and I will also give you how to fast get a job after this lock-down so please visit my this blog and share and any information you want please comment here. 

1. Jobjee

Jobjee Logo
Jobejee is a job portal website and application designed with all of your needs in mind. With Jobejee, you can search and apply for jobs with optimal ease and also have a stress-free application period.
Jobejee’s advanced features allow you to find your perfect job within minutes and apply for it with a single click. You are also able to easily assess your resume performance and track your applications.

Visit Here Jobejee


  * I  give you some information about this side and similar sides have also the same process you do it  .so, you every side information have (Visit Here) like  jobejee you click there and go this side ten you register that side then you see

 this page then you click job seeker after that 
you  see there 


you upload all  information on this page 

after that, you see that page and look the resume title in that blank box you write you job titles like salesman or waiter or any you're job-related title and also you see to upload resume then you upload your CV  in Msword with your photo when you did it's good otherwise not necessary but necessary upload in your profile. then complete your registration. then also fill your profile and there also fill that profile in that profile have the same as your CV. So, you give in there all your data and in formations. and don't forget to download jobejee app on your mobile because it helps to give job notifications on your mobile. and I give this jobejee office location to you also because when you select that job then you interview in there  also so  you go in shorakhute nayabajar

  that is  a map and also give map link also,85.3072399,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x39eb18faa21812d9:0x1f69f2073f385fec!8m2!3d27.7186696!4d85.3094286
you don't suck about the name because that official name is subidha sewa so go there with your CV and driving license or ID card, or you are not more educated then also go that direct office I hope so you will get a good  job, Weldon, for your future.


2. Merojob

With the highest Alexa ranking in the country, Merojob is the no #1 job portal in Nepal with 100 million+ page views, 2.5 million+ progressive visits every month.
150,000+ success stories and 350,000+ job seekers are registered in Merojob till now. Along with the job site, Merojob is providing service to companies of all sizes to find the right fit using the most advanced technology in Nepal.

Mero Job Services:

  • Job Search/ listing
  • Recruitment solutions to employers
  • Resource Center
  • Job Training, Workshop & Seminar
  • Career Counseling

  Visit Mero Job Side

After click Visit Mero Job Side you find the same as jobejee and register and fill the profile then you get to have a notification on your email. that mero job side office in new baneshor (subhdha nagar) on Ganapati bhawon fourth floor .

I give you a map 
link :,85.3417215,16z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xbe6be2a3c319119d!2zbWVyb2pvYiAo4KSu4

 3.Ramro job

Ramro Job logo is a product of Creative Job Pvt. Ltd and one of the growing job portal in Nepal. Unlike other job portals, RamroJob is covering almost every job in the Nepalese job market with free job posting service to the job providers.
RamroJob aims at providing detailed information to a job seeker at free of cost. Currently, RamroJob is in beta testing phase and the company ensures the improvement of the website to make it more user-friendly.

RamroJob services:

  • Placement Services
  • Outsourcing
  • HR Consulting
  • Job Posting Service


Head Office :
Jwagal 10, Kupondol , Lalitpur
Tel: 01-5261018
M. 9867976611 ( Job Posting Service)
For Companies:
For Job Seekers:

 Visit Ramro job


Kantipur Job logo
Kantipur Job is moving forward with the mission “To assist organization and individuals to identify the right skills and manage human resources to achieve business excellence”.
The company [ Operated by Kantipur Management Private Limited] has been providing Human Resource Management and related solutions to organizations across the country since 2012.

KantipurJob Services:

  • Sales, Distribution, and Marketing
  • Training and Development
  • Business Process Outsourcing
  • HR Consulting
  • Staffing Services
  • Recruitment and Selection Services
  • E-recruitment and Job Portal 
Kantipur Jobsite is also looked as Merojob side go there and register and fill your information and write your education level, experience on your duty and many more in there more education or more qualification more chance to hire a job so give good information and true information so after 2 weeks some people call you for a job. So, you want a job you fill there your all information on that page.  
Good luck for your vision.

 Visit Kantipur job

growthsellers logo
Growthsellers has been working in recruitment services for a decade now. Also, the company worked with hundreds of companies and provided job placement for thousands of people. To continue this trend in an effective and easy way, it has introduced its new job site where candidates can register for free and enjoy searching for jobs. believes in catering to almost all the recruitment needs of customers and providing total job solutions. It facilitates to bridge a gap between candidates and employment opportunities. Growthsellers provides notification and alert system for frequent job alerts.

Visit GrowthSellers




Rojgari Services Private Limited, registered under Company Act in 2012, is a national employment agency working to empower job seekers with a wide range of employment-related information and service, particularly jobs counseling, soft skills training, and employment match-making. Rojgari enlists and connects job seekers and employers in Nepal through an online portal,

Rojgari mobile Application, 'Rojgari Pasal', a brick and mortar physical outlet branded as ‘Employment Shop’, Ghumti Rojgari Pasal , a mobile pasal in Van which run Inside Nepal in that places where Rojgari Pasal is no presence. Currently, the main service outlet of Rojgari Pasal is in Kathmandu (New Baneshwor) with branches in Pokhara, Province 4, and Itahari, Province 1, Birgunj Province 2 and Nepalgunj Province


in  this site have Nepali language so simply knowing all Nepali people to fill that form and siply you fill that register and get information about jobs


 7.Jobs Nepal

Jobs Nepal
JobsNepal is in second no in Alexa ranking in Nepal which is the largest locally focused employment website in the country. The company offers services like recruitment and job-seeking community in Nepal – and abroad, for those seeking Nepalese talent – entirely within a reasonable fee.

JobsNepal is moving forward with the mission to lead the Internet employment industry in Nepal by providing innovative information, superior resume management software and a comprehensive selection of services.

Kupondole Road, Patan 44600,

Kathmandu, Nepal 01-5547709, 01-5547710



Mero Rojgari Logo
Mero Rojgari is another online job board presently covering the employment markets in Nepal. Merorojgari has currently 1300+ and growing registered companies and 1900+ and growing available jobs. Merorojgari also lets users submitting their resumes.

 Visit Mero Rojagari




Kathmandu is an online job portal that aims to connect IT, professionals to the right employment opportunities and foster their career advancement. We at Kathmandu Jobs are dedicated to facilitating hiring and recruitment processes by forming a pool of potential employers and talented employees to satisfy requirements on both sides.

We started off as a Facebook group “IT Jobs Nepal (Vacancy)” in March of 2014 and have been growing as a community since then. As you read through this text, we are growing into a family of 39,000+ members. However, we wish to manage the profiles of both employers and employees effectively, hence we bring to you this portal dedicated to streamlining IT jobs in Nepal.

Visit Kathamndu jobs




CMS Jobs logo is job portal managed by Catalyst Management Service Nepal Pvt. Ltd. The main objective of introducing this portal was supporting job seekers and employers rather than earning a profit.
Apart from the job posting, CMS provides other HR services like staffing, recruitment, executive search, training, consulting, etc.

 Visit Cmsjob